Saturday, December 17, 2022

Rumi's Poetry: Life without devotion (worship or total submission) is a disgrace زندگی بے بندگی شرمندگی

In my childhood, I used to accompany my family to visit an uncle living in the then emerging and thriving colony 'Shad Bagh,' near Lahore Railways station across the 'Do Moria Pull - A bridge with two entrances)'. En route there was a mosque on which there was a big board displaying three...

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Morocco in FIFA world Cup Semis - History in the making

Ever felt privileged to be part of history in the making? Yesterday I felt being that privileged one "watching" history in the making. The quarter final match between Portugal and Morocco was the venue of this historical event being penned down in the history. Noone could image that an African...

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A prayer for the new morning

Every new morning is a blessing from the Almighty God, After a hard day's night, we fell asleep, mostly sound sleep, and we never know what is happening outdoors or anywhere else in the world. Then the rooster's morning call and adhan from the nearby mosque wakes us up. And then we realize that we are...

Friday, June 10, 2022

Roses in my life

Roses are probably the most liked flowers around the world for their exotic colours, scented aromatic smell and beautiful shapes. Although roses come in many colours, but red roses stand out from the rest for their majestic shape, beauty and fragrance. While roses are synonymous with love and happiness,...

Saturday, March 19, 2022

I always let it get too late

Procrastination is the action of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so. There are a large number of people around the world who for many known and unknown reasons delay doing things, and so do I.I for one...

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Boeing 707 barrel-rolled on the day I was born

Do you remember any meaningful event that is related to the day you were born? Well I do and it was one of the most astonishing feats of aviation history that was performed by Alvin “tax” Johnston on 7th August 1955 – the day I was born. Early 1950s were the days of the development of the first jet...

Friday, March 11, 2022

Pakistan officially inducts J10C 4.5+ Generation fighter aircraft in its air force

11th March 2022 is a landmark day in the history of Pakistan as it officially inducted multi-role J10C 4.5+ generation Chinese combat aircraft into its air force today in a special ceremony held at PAF Base Kamra. The prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan was the chief guest. The induction of J10 aircraft...

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Today, yet another meaningless day passed away

Is our life meaningless? Well for the ordinaries, life is full of challenges and there is hardly any time to ponder over the meaning of the true life or whether it is meaningless or not. For some who are depressed for some reasons, be economic, social, spiritual or family disturbances, at some point...

Why would someone wait for me!!

I am making this post extremely short to just give a message.  It is up to my friends and connections to ponder over it and g down into the meaning of these four lines:Would someone wait for me?Would someone waste life for me?I am not special for someoneSo why would someone remember me? !-- google_ad_client...

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The answer is blowing in the wind

Peace is one thing that everyone longs for. Writers, thinkers and peace lovers have been struggling for establishment of peace all over the world and condemning the use of force to settle score between people and nations. Yet nations, fond of wielding their muscles for gaining top s lots in world dominance...